Saturday, February 22, 2014

Bernadette Bascom's 45RPM Singles on Collectors market tops $150 per copy

MEMPHIS TN (IFS) -- Now these days of trying to collect the past is with us all.  Bernadette Bascom's early recordings from the 1980's and 1990's are going for a premium if you can find them.  The recordings were released on her labels, Pengiun Records and Solidarity Records which were distributed by D-Town Records out of Hollywood, California for a period of ten years.

The most requested singles are "Got to Get Paid" and "Don't Want To Loose Your Love".  As record collecting goes, these choice recordings in mint condition go for an estimated $50.00 per copy.  The single "Seattle Sunshine" moves around the collectors market at $150.00 per copy.

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